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An outcast, a deformity, a disgrace as an Olympian God. Hephaestus, God of fire and blacksmithing, has been underestimated his entire life, ever since being thrown off of a cliff of Mount Olympus, by his own mother, Hera, Queen of the Gods.

As Hephaestus recovers from his brutal injuries, he meets the kind and modest Hestio, God of the hearth and families. Hestio is the first god to ever be compassionate and sympathetic towards him, which leads Hephaestus to develop feelings for the gentle god.

Hephaestus vows to return to Mount Olympus to make a name for himself in spite of the other gods and goddesses who view him as weak and worthless, while also wanting to seek revenge on all of them, especially Hera.

Will this burning vengeful flame consume Hephaestus, or will the gentle loving embers of Hestio be able to turn him into a warm and kind-hearted god, unlike the other Olympians?

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Release date

24 June 2023

Paperback ISBN




Sexual Content

Gender Identity




12.7 x 1.7 x 20.32


Trigger Warnings

Part of the

The Mythologay series

The series of books featuring gay and gender-reversed extra-spicy retellings of classic Greek mythology.


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B.J. Irons


BJ Irons works in the field of education. Many of his personal experiences as a gay man, have contributed to his books.

Being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community himself, BJ hopes to continue to bring...

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