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Jealousy, enmity, revenge, and above all else arrogance is a recurring theme among Aphrodite, Apollo, Artemis, and Adonis. It’s a wonder that the “A” in their names doesn’t stand for arrogance.

Aphrodite’s love for the handsome Adonis clouds her judgment. Bitterness stirs within her when she becomes aware of Apollo and Adonis’ affection for each other. Artemis also feels disgraced by the relationship between the God and male mortal. All of their lives become entangled with endless drama and devious plots each makes on one another.

Arrogance is a retelling of the many classic Greek Mythological tales we’ve come to grow and love.

Which of these Gods will come out on top? Let the drama unfold.

Aphrodite: The Vengeful One
Will show her wrath to anyone who wrongs her

Apollo: The Vigorous One
Will use his power to get whatever he desires

Artemis: The Apprehensive One
Will cast shame on those who don’t follow her beliefs

Adonis: The Irresistible One
Will seduce anyone to get his way

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Release date

16 July 2022

Paperback ISBN



Sexual Content

Gender Identity




12.7 x 2.77 x 20.32


Trigger Warnings

Part of the

The Mythologay series

The series of books featuring gay and gender-reversed extra-spicy retellings of classic Greek mythology.


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B.J. Irons


BJ Irons works in the field of education. Many of his personal experiences as a gay man, have contributed to his books.

Being a part of the LGBTQIA+ community himself, BJ hopes to continue to bring...

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